Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Half Moon

Half Moon
A Moon
Sings to the Stars
”Are you bright  enough
To give me another Sun?
Humanity may take a wrong turn
And no Sun light
As we know
May be strong enough
To undo
The wrongdoings
In the little time
Left behind
By the Ethernal Time
As She consider
How to say good bye”

A Moon
Sings to the Stars
”Are you bright enough
To give humaniity a sign
So that
No turns will be taken,
Taking human beigns
In the roads of destruction
Already travelled
Roads of waste land and darkness”

A Moon
Sings to the Stars
”So let your light
Shine like candels
In Angels eyes”

So the Moon spoke
Hoping for light and life

© Regis Cabral,  26 December 2017

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